Social Media Management 2.0

Being a social media arbitrager means that while you need a basic understanding of social media yourself, you don’t necessarily need to have the ability or the time to perform the many and repetitious tasks required. To make a social media arbitrage endeavor take off, you simply have to know how to effectively delegate tasks!

Your primary goal in any career should be to make as much money as you want in a 40 hour week or less. It’s been scientifically proven that people who work 40 hours are happier and more productive than those who consistently work overtime, so if you find yourself constantly putting in 50, 60, or 80 hour workweeks, it’s time to consider making a few changes.

If you already work in the field of social media, now is a great time to expand your business without adding hours to your work week. If you are stuck in a 9-5 job and are ready for a change, starting an arbitrage business can be your first step towards autonomy.

The golden rules of running your own business boil down to these two:

  • 1. If you have more work than you can handle in a 40 hour week, you aren’t charging
    enough and need to raise your hourly rate.

  • 2. Once you hit that 40 hour mark, never do something yourself that you can pay someone less than your hourly rate to do for you.

In other words, if you are doing social media yourself, it’s perfectly fine to take on more  than 40 hours of work a week - but anything over 40 hours should be completed by someone other than yourself, at a lower rate than your own so you can turn an extra profit.

If you are new to the social media scene, your goal is for each project you take on to be done by someone else while you profit by being the middle man.

There are two ways this book can help you. If you have already established your own social media consulting business and want to expand into arbitrage, skip down to “ESTABLISHED MANAGERS”.

If you are just starting to look into providing social media services and want to begin at the arbitrage level, read on!

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