The Social Networks

If you spend very much time online, you are probably already familiar with social networking, and may even have accounts on one or more of the following sites. There are six main social platforms (among hundreds on the web) which can directly benefit small, mid-sized and large businesses (including your own!)


Facebook is a social networking site that had its beginnings as a sort of online college yearbook created by Harvard students. It has since expanded to be one of the most popular social sites on the web, allowing both personal profiles and business pages to post information, images, videos, polls and more. When a user “Likes” a Facebook profile or Page, they can view all of their posts by that account on a “Timeline”.

Businesses need a Facebook Page in order to remain competitive. A Facebook Page is one of the easiest ways to start gaining brand recognition online, and can be used for advertising, promotional offers and giveaways as well as providing a place to interact with customers, clients or patients by sharing information, providing advice and answering questions or concerns.

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Twitter was created as an internal text messaging system for a pod casting company, and has become one of the most used social sites in the world. The short, 140 character “Tweets” provide a way to quickly communicate small nuggets of information. When a user “Follows” a Twitter account, they can view all Tweets by that account in a “Feed”.

Businesses need a Twitter account in order to monitor what is being said about their brand in real time, to deliver information and encourage engagement from fans, and even to deliver fast customer service if needed in response to a complaint or question.

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LinkedIn is a social network which was created specifically for networking between professionals, and can act as an online business card. When a user creates a profile, they can search for others in the same field or industry and invite them to “Connect”. Those who are connected can view updates posted by their connections in a rolling feed.

Businesses need a LinkedIn account because it is the most professional social networking site on the web. Users can join groups to network with others in their field, and stay up to date on industry news, business opportunities, and job postings. This platform is especially helpful for those looking to create B2B connections.

Click Here Learn More About Linkedin

Google is currently the largest search engine on the web, and has its own social networking platform known as Google +. With a Google profile, users can create “Circles” that include different types of contacts, and share content with specific groups while viewing content from users they follow in a “Stream”.

YouTube is a video sharing network owned by Google and integrated with Google +. Users can upload videos, share, comment on and vote for their favorites. Businesses or individuals can create channels which can be subscribed to by others who then receive notifications when new videos are posted.

Businesses need a Google Profile and YouTube account in order to share information to select groups of people, and tap into the power of visual digital media. Studies show that internet users respond more readily to images and videos than to solely text based content.

Click Here Learn More About Google And Youtube

Pinterest is one of the newest social sites on the web. It was created as a way to collect and share like images. Users can “Pin” images to “Boards”, and follow other users to like, comment on or “Repin” their pins. This can be an incredible marketing tool for product based businesses.

Businesses need a Pinterest account to engage image driven consumers and to strengthen brand recognition. Pinning images from topics both directly and indirectly related to a business’ industry or niche can attract a wide range of potential customers.

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