Pinflux ELITE Yearly
Product Details
*IMPORTANT: Get approved by the seller first before promoting this product. Click the "Request" button below.
Sale Price: $37
Commission: 50% on 1st Payment, 50% on remaining Payments
*Product price is the price this product sells for. Your Commission is what you will get paid for each sale you refer for this product.
Your Promotion Tools
As a member of Social Sale Rep, you get paid to help distribute free reports on behalf of businesses to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. With a single click you can generate a unique copy of that report containing hidden electronic tracking links inside it, so that we can track whenever someone reads your copy of the report. When someone clicks on one of the tracking links in your branded version of the free report and buys something from the businesses website, you get paid!
Our viral share technology also ensures that every person you share your branded version of the report with has to share your branded copy of the report to one of their social media pages before they can access the report. This means that your branded copy of the report gets into the hands of even more people (which means more commissions). If you have not gone through the training on how this works, click here to complete it now.
Your Rebrandable Report
Below is the free report that you need to rebrand and distribute to earn commissions from the business 'Pinflux'.
Pin Traffic Ninja 2.0
By making sure people pin images from your website on Pinterest on a regular basis, you are guaranteeing a steady stream of traffic for months to come. Pinterest can make an ordinary image go viral in a matter of hours. People who would be interested in reading this report are also very likely to be interested in purchasing the product 'Pinflux'. So click the 'Rebrand Now' button below, create your branded version of this report and share it on social media, forums, groups and anywhere that you think you will find people interested in Making Money Online.
Your Rebrandable Video
Below is the free video that you need to rebrand and distribute to earn commissions from the business 'Pinflux'.
Landing Pages for SEO
Landing pages are the norm in PPC campaigns but you should also consider using them for link building SEO campaigns. People who would be interested in watching this video are also very likely to be interested in purchasing the product 'LandingPage Monkey'. So enter you JVZoo ID and click the 'Re-brand' button, create your branded version of this video and share it on social media, forums, groups and anywhere that you think you will find people interested in building landing pages.