You are probably quite used to outsourcing and freelancing sites where businesses post jobs that they need doing and then people bid on these jobs. The employer then awards the job to whichever candidate they think is best suited to the job.

This is a great way of getting started with social media jobs and getting some experience and client testimonials under your belt. However the downside to these types of sites is that for the good jobs you often find yourself competing against lots of other candidates and this can force you to miss out on jobs or doing work for less money than you would necessarily like.

Imagine if you could turn the tables…

Instead of business owners posting jobs that you could bid on, YOU post the services that you would like to provide and the price that YOU want to get paid and then business owners come to you asking when you can start work?

Sounds great right?

Well that is exactly what you can do on!

It is an online marketplace where people like you can post their services that they would like to provide for businesses including the price they want to charge, and businesses who are interested in those types of services can inquire and hire you!

Let’s take a look at an example of a social media service that another member has posted on and is already successfully making money from:

As you can see, this person is getting paid $150 per month for writing one ‘Tweet’ a day. You can easily write out 30 tweets for a business in an hour which means that you can write all of the Twitter posts for the business for the month, schedule them to be posted one per day across the month and then sit back and relax, having just made $150 for 1 hours work. Even if writing the 30 tweets for the month took you 2 hours, you would still be making $75 per hour!

Here is another example:

This person is charging $199 per month for basic social media management of their accounts. Once you get the accounts setup and get into the practice of scheduling the messages, you will easily be able to manage each of these clients in 10 – 15 minutes per week!

As you can see, this persons ad has got over 2902 views! That means that 2902 business owners who are interested in hiring a social media manager have seen this person’s services.

You can make a lot of money just for the services you post on, however if you want to take your income to the next level you should take advantage of the new clients that you can find on and be up-selling them to your social media management services outside of the website.

You can use your ‘Social Media Manager Proposal Document‘ to help convert clients from one of clients on to higher paying regular clients. By listing your services on you are essentially being paid to get put in touch with businesses who will want to hire you again and again!

Of course you aren’t limited to selling these two example services here, you can sell any social media management service that you want to offer! Here are some ideas of other services that you could offer:

  • I will get your business Facebook Fanpage 100 real likes
  • I will get you an additional 200 Twitter followers
  • I will create a 1 minute marketing video for your business and upload it to YouTube (you can use a free video creation service like Animoto)
  • I will setup your business with a Linkedin/Google+/Facebook/Twitter account
  • I will post to your Facebook and Twitter account 3 times a week for 1 month
  • etc. etc. etc.

There really is no limit to the amount of different fun and interesting social media services that you can offer here, pick the ones that you enjoy doing the most. After you have gone through the advanced training in this members area you should have some great ideas for the services you can offer.

Whatever service you decide to offer try and keep the price as low as you can, because remember the money that you are going to get up front for providing the service is only half of the equation (albeit a very nice part). What you are really looking to do is build up a collection of satisfied customers that you can up-sell to your other social media marketing services.

There are a few things that you need to be aware of when posting services to

  • Be very clear about what you’re selling. This is often a big problem for service sellers, who often fail to get the title right by using ambiguous titles that don’t tell buyers what they’re purchasing or bidding on before compounding the problem with descriptions that don’t make this clear either. Before posting a listing for intangible goods, ask yourself what, exactly, are you offering to deliver or to do, where will you deliver or do this, for how long, and precisely what is included so that you can be clear about this to your buyer.
  • Don’t lead with personal hype. There is a place in your listing for bullet lists of your personal qualifications and accolades, but it’s not at the beginning, where this can turn into a soup of superlatives that leave your buyer wondering what’s actually on offer and why they should care whether or not you’re so great. At most, include one brief and very general statement of qualifications to start your description or listing before spending the next several paragraphs on the actual product you’re offering (your time, your service, etc.) rather than talking about yourself.
  • Be very clear about what you’re NOT selling. Service sellers often get themselves into trouble by not clearly spelling out what’s excluded from the sale, leading to disputes later on when buyers expect more than the seller was prepared to deliver. In your item description, use disclaimers to spell out those things that might commonly be desired by buyers but that you don’t want to include in this sale.
  • Be very clear about terms. There is a space in the listing form to answer this question, but it’s also important to spell it out. Under what conditions will you give your buyers a refund? Under what conditions won’t you give them a refund? If you offer a “satisfaction guarantee” of some kind, who gets to determine when the terms of this guarantee are met and what are you willing you do to attempt to ensure that they are met? Particularly if your labor time or other similar open-ended resources are on the hook, it’s important not to open yourself to an ongoing commitment to what you thought was the price of a small, one-time job.
  • Include multiple great photos. Don’t make the mistake of imagining that since no physical goods are on offer, no photos are needed for a sale. In fact, quite the opposite is true; since you’re selling something abstract and “imaginary” it’s tougher to get buyers to pony up the cash without giving them a clear picture to keep in mind while they do it. If you’re selling yourself in some way (your time, your expertise, your speaking, your consulting, your labor) get a professional to take glowing, inspiring pictures of you doing what you do and include these in your listings, along with descriptions, if possible.

As long as you keep these few things in mind you will be able to get tons of new clients for your social media services, so get out there, implement this strategy and start making some money!

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You can use your social media proposal document to help you craft the message or proposal that you will use in your initial contact with businesses and you can also use it as a sales tool to help get repeat business from each client. After you complete the initial job for them, you can send them the proposal document to help convert them into monthly clients who send you regular payments to provide ongoing social media management services for them.

For more information on how to make the best use of the social media proposal document, click here. To download the document itself, right click the link below and select ‘save as’.

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