Email Swipes

As you get more involved in social media management, you will come across many different business that you can see would benefit from your social media management services.

It might be that you see a business with a Facebook page that never gets updated, or a business that has a great blog with regular content being posted but they have no social media accounts to spread this content on. Whatever the situation, you will regularly find yourself thinking:

‘That business could really benefit from (a Facebook fanpage, regular Twitter updates, or whatever social media service you are offering), if only they new about my services and how I could help them.’

Well these businesses are ripe for the picking and all it will usually take to get these businesses interested in your services is a simple email to them.

That's it!

Of course the content of your email will have a big impact on the response rate you get. If you get sent out an email to businesses telling them about how great you are and ask for a check right away…… you probably aren’t going to get many responses, if any.

That is why we have put together this list of proven emails that we and other members of have used successfully to get businesses interested in hiring your to be their social media manager.

Each of the emails is targeted to a specific problem that a business has in relation to their social media marketing and sparks the business interest in how solving that issue (by hiring you), can help them grow their business or stop losing money.

So when you come across a business that you think could benefit from your social media management services, whether it’s:

Creating new accounts for them on Facebook, Twitter YouTube or other social media accounts

Managing and posting regular content updates to the social media profiles

Getting them more followers, fans or views for their accounts

Or any other service that you are offering

Come back to this page and find which of the email swipes from below is best suited to that situation. If there isn’t one that fits exactly, pick the closest match and modify it to suit the business unique situation.

Businesses are really struggling with this social media stuff right now, and if you can reach out to them and present yourself as their complete solution for their social media marketing they will be falling over themselves to hire you.

All it takes on your part is ACTION!

It only takes a minute to send each of these emails. If you set yourself a goal of sending just 10 emails a day, you will be amazed at how many clients you have under your belt by this time next month.

Email Swipe File 1

Subject Line:

Something missing from your website


Hi, there.

I just went on your website and I noticed that there is something missing. This is an important feature that can generate more likes to your page with just a click of a button.

If you would like for me to tell you about this missing feature then please get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Your Name

This email can be sent to offline business owners that have a Facebook page, but have not embedded their page on their website.

Email Swipe File 2

Subject Line:

Problem with your Facebook page


Hi there,

I have just logged on to your Facebook page and I noticed that you do not have a Facebook timeline cover image. A Facebook cover photo would brand your business immediately and would attract potential new clients.

Research has shown that people are more engaged with your page if you have a good Facebook profile cover.

If you want me to design a cover for you for low price then please let me know.

Your Name

This email can be sent to offline business owners that do not have a Facebook cover photo on their page. You can easily outsource this service on Fiverr for $5 and charge business owners $47.00.

Email Swipe File 3

Subject Line:

Your Pinterest Page Is Ready


Hello there,

I noticed you currently have a website and also are on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Youtube. However, I have noticed that you do not have a Pinterest profile. Pinterest is the fastest growing social media website of all time.

I have therefore created a Demo Pinterest page for you.

If you want me to send you the user name and log in details please let me know.
If I don’t hear from you then I will most likely delete the page.

Thank you

Your Name

This email can be sent to offline business owners that do not have a presence on Pinterest. This is a great way to get them interested by showing them a demo of their Pinterest page. As soon as a business owner replies to this email, you can quickly setup a demo Pinterest account for them and send them the account login details. This gets your foot in the door and will gain you their trust, so that you can get them to pay you to finish setting up the account and charge them a montly fee to regularly update and maintain their Pinterest account. Target businesses that have a lot of emphasis on “visual” stuff, e.g. cake makers, florists etc.

Email Swipe File 4

Subject Line:

Your Facebook page is not converting


Hi there,

I just logged on to your Facebook page and I noticed that there is currently less engagement between fans and your business then there could be. Therefore, I would like to offer to do a FULL Facebook page audit of your page FREE of charge where I will highlight key areas that can be improved on.

I have worked with many different business owners in regards to Facebook and I have a good track record of helping them gain more customers by applying these methods.

If you are interested please let me know.


Your Name

This email can be sent to offline business owners that currently have a Facebook page and are looking to gain “new likes” because their current page has no real interaction. It is an ideal way to up-sell clients to your services once they agree to the free Facebook Audit. You can then charge them a monthly fee to post regular content to their Facebook page, interact with their customers through comments and help them get more ‘likes’ for their page. (You learn how to do all of this in the Advanced Training section of

Email Swipe File 5

Subject Line:

Check out this video I created for your business


Hello there,

I noticed you have a lot of pictures on your website and you like to showcase this to your customers. I have therefore created a short promotional video that you can add on your website.

If this video is of interest to you then please let me know.

You can watch the video by clicking the link below.

{insert Link}

Your Name

This email can be sent to prospective offline business owners that do not have a promotional video on their website. It is ideal to target companies such as Limo Hire, Car Hire, Photographers, wedding dress companies and Dentists. You can easily create the videos in a couple of minutes using a free service like and this is a great way to then upsell them into creating regular videos for them, creating and managing a YouTube account, or any other social media management service.

Email Swipe File 6

Subject Line:

Want more likes to your Facebook page?


Hi there,

I noticed your page has just x amount of likes. If you are interested in increasing the amount of likes to your page please let me know.

I have a number of ideas that could be implemented right away to get an immediate boost to the number of customer ‘likes’ and interaction on the page.

I look forward to hear from you.

Your Name

This email can be sent to prospective offline clients if you are thinking of doing a Facebook ad campaign.

Email Swipe File 7

Subject Line:

Claim your Google+ Page Now


Hi there,

I just went on your website and I noticed that you do not have a Google+ page as of yet. I have therefore created a quick Google+ page for you.

If you want me to send you the user name and log in details please let me know.

I look forward in hearing from you.

Your Name

This email can be sent to prospective offline clients if they do not have a Google+ page.

Email Swipe File 8

Subject Line:

Something Is Missing From Your Facebook Page


Hi there,

I was browsing your Facebook page and I noticed that something is missing. There is a special tab that allows you to capture people’s email addresses. All you need to do is install this tab on your Facebook page. If you want me to do this I can do this for you FREE of charge.

Please let me know.

Your Name

This email can be sent to build a relationship with your potential offline prospect by doing something FREE for them. This always helps if you want to sell to them later on. You can find step by step training on how to actually provide this service in the Advanced Training section here.

Email Swipe File 9

Subject Line:

How to increase likes to your Facebook page


Hi there,

I was just browsing your Facebook page and I spotted several areas where you could make small changes and instantly increase your number of ‘likes’ and customer interaction. One of the areas is to post more status updates with pictures, because research has shown that by using pictures with quotes for status updates, you can get a much better response rate from your audience.

If you want me to show you how you can increase likes using other ways then please get in touch with me.

I look forward in hearing from you.


Your Name

This email can also be used to help build a relationship with your offline prospect, as opposed to selling them straight away. It’s a great way of easing them into hiring you to manage their Facebook account for them.

Email Swipe File 10

Subject Line:

This simple strategy can increase the amount of Facebook likes to your page


Hi there,

I was just browsing your page and I spotted a huge potential on how you can increase your Facebook likes in a day. I have been testing this strategy on my page [give them link], and it has tripled the amount of likes to my page.

If you are interested in how this strategy works then please give me a call on xxx-xxx-xxx and I will show you how you can apply this on your page.

Or you can simply reply to this email.


Your Name

This email can also be used to help build curiosity with the business owner. You can then show them any number of ways for increasing the number of likes on their page, such as Facebook advertising, running competitions and giveaways, posting comments on other relevant groups and pages etc. This allows you to present yourself as the ideal person to hire to do this work for them.


You can use your social media proposal document to help you craft the message or proposal that you will use in your initial contact with businesses and you can also use it as a sales tool to help get repeat business from each client. After you complete the initial job for them, you can send them the proposal document to help convert them into monthly clients who send you regular payments to provide ongoing social media management services for them.

For more information on how to make the best use of the social media proposal document, click here. To download the document itself, right click the link below and select ‘save as’.

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