
Making Money With Paying Social Media Jobs Is A Simple 4 Step Process

JVZOO is a marketplace to sell digital products and services, and just like any other affiliate program, there is Affiliates and Sellers.

You need to create a JVZoo account because your unique JVZoo Affiliate ID will be used to giveaway the free report.

And each report you giveaway is automatically branded with your unique ID, so that every time someone clicks a link in that report, it is tracked to you.

When anyone clicks on one of the links in the free report, they are taken to the businesses website and when they buy something you get paid a commission.

This commission is typically $20 - $50, so it can quickly add up to a lot of money.

And don’t forget that with the powerful viral sharing technology in your Paid Social Media Jobs members account, you only need to give the free report to a few people in order to get hundreds of people to download it.

And as you start sharing multiple reports, it doesn’t take long for your earnings to start building up, so let's get started.

The first step is to go to the JVZoo website, which you get to by going to If you already have a JVZoo account then you can skip this step and move on to step 2 in the Training section of your members area.

Once you are on the JVZoo home page you need to click on the ‘Free Sign Up’ link in the top right corner of the page.

This will take you to the signup form.

You then need to fill in this form with all of your basic contact information.

Make sure you enter all of your details correctly here because JVZoo needs to have all of your correct information in order to pay you.

After you clicked the Register Button, JVZoo will then send you an email with the verification link. Click the link to finish your registration.

Once you click the verification link, you can now use your login info to enter the JVZoo site.

When you're logged in, you will then see a Welcome page where you will be asked to add your personal and payment information before you get started.

Once you have finished creating your JVZoo account, move on to Step 2 in the Training section of your members area called ‘Choose a product to promote’

As explained previously, you will be choosing a business to work with, and will then be giving away free reports on behalf of that business.

These free reports help the business get more customers, and that is why they pay you to help give them to as many people as possible.

So the first step is to go to your Paid Social Media Jobs members area and click on the ‘Product’ link in the main menu.

This will take you to the ‘JVZoo Product Categories’ section of our members area where we have a wide range of products all ready to promote.

We are constantly updating and adding more products to the members area so you will see new products here regularly.

For this example we are going to look at products in the "E-business and E-marketing" category.

Here we are on the 'E-business and E-marketing' category page where you can choose a product that you’d like to work with.

Let’s go ahead and select the product called ‘LandingPage Monkey’ for this example.

This will take you to the page where the product details, as well as the matching report, are placed.

Here you can see the preview of the sales page of the product and you can take a look at the actual sales page by clicking the button that says ‘View Sales Page’.

On this area, you can see the product price and the commission you will get when someone buys the product you promote.

It is very important that you know that JVZoo is a little different with Clickbank. In JVZoo, you will need to send a request and get approved before you can promote the products. You cannot promote a product which you are not approved by the seller.

To send a request, just click the button that says "Request".


You will then be redirected to JVZoo page where you can send your request. Here you can write a message requesting for an approval or you can leave it blank and just click the "REQUEST AFFILIATE APPROVAL" button.

This where you will see your status. Some sellers automatically approve all request, but most cases, you will have to wait for their approval.

Once you are approved, go back to the product page on your Paid Social Media Jobs members area. When you scroll down the product page, you will see the ‘Promotion Tools’ section. This is where the whole process is briefly explained.

The report called ‘Landing Page Geek’ is the free report to give away on behalf of the ‘LandingPage Monkey’ product.

Each product we have in our Social Sale Rep members has a matching report all set to rebrand in order to promote the product that you have chosen to work with.

Once you’ve decided which product to work with, move on to Step 3 called ‘Create your rebranded report.

Once you have chosen a product to promote from your Paid Social Media Jobs members area, the next step is for you to rebrand a free report to giveaway on behalf of that business.

Previously, we chose the product called ‘LandingPage Monkey’ as an example.

And report called ‘Landing Page Geek’ is the matching report to the ‘LandingPage Monkey’ product.

The matching report can easily be found at the bottom of the product page. So whatever product you choose, it is already paired with the best-fit report for you.

Let’s go ahead and click on the button that says ‘Rebrand Now’

This will take you to the rebrand page for that report where you can read simple explanation of the process and on how you get paid.

When you scroll down the page you will find the rebrand form for the report. As you can see this is a very simple process and just requires you to fill in two fields.

The first is your JVZoo affiliate ID.

Your JVZoo affiliate ID can be found on your JVZoo "My Account" page and under the "Affiliate Information".

So enter your JVZoo affiliate ID into the first field on the form. Then you just need to enter your email address, which we will use to send you an email containing the link to your rebranded report. And finally, you just hit the button that says ‘Rebrand it!’.

You will then be taken to a page where you can download your rebranded version of the free report.

The next step is, of course, to give this free report to as many people as possible, because the more people who read it, the more money you will make.

Getting people to read your branded version of the free report is really easy, and we give you three simple ways of doing it. Option 1 allows you to download the file to your computer.

You right click on the PDF file icon, and select ‘save link as’ or ‘save file as’ or ‘download file’, depending on what browser you are using.

You can then choose where you would like to save the file on your computer and click ‘Save’

Option 2 gives you a direct download link to your branded version of the report which we are hosting on our server for you.

This link makes it very easy for you to give someone access to your branded version of the free report because you just have to give them this link and they will be able to immediately download it.

When that person does download the report, there will be links at the bottom of every page enticing them to click. All of these links will contain your JVZoo affiliate ID, as shown here underlined in blue, and the vendor ID shown underlined in green (The vendor ID is handled by us so you don’t need to worry about that).

When someone clicks any of these links they will get taken to the sales page for the product you chose to promote and they will automatically get tagged with your JVZoo affiliate ID.

So if they then make any purchase from that business within the next 60 days, you will get paid a commission. It’s that easy!

The third option for sharing your branded version of the report is actually the most powerful and uses our special viral lock technology.

When you generate your branded version of the report, we create a unique viral download link just for your branded version of that report.

When someone clicks on that link, they are taken to your unique viral download page. Here they can read a description of the report, see the cover image and download the file.

However, the twist is that when they first arrive on the page the download link is locked. In order to unlock their free download link, they must share your viral download page on either Facebook, Google+ Twitter or Linked in.

Because they are getting a premium ebook for free, people are happy to do this. If someone clicks on the Facebook share button for example

A window will popup asking them to login to their Facebook account.

When they log in, they will have to share the free ebook on their Facebook account

and they are taken straight back to your viral download page where their free download link is now unlocked.

What is really powerful for you though is that now their Facebook feed will show that they have shared this free ebook.

All of that person's friends and connections on Facebook will see it, many of them will be interested and will click on the link to download it as well.

And when they do, they will be taken to your viral download page, where they will also have to share it on THEIR own social media account to unlock the download link.

Which means all of THEIR social media connections will see it as well!

And so the whole process repeats again and again.

So with your viral download page, you only need one person to download your branded version of the free report in order to get dozens or even hundreds of downloads.

But how do you get that first person to download the report?

Well, let's look back at the example we have been working with in.

The free report you are giving away is called ‘Landing Page Geek’ and is a high quality, information packed PDF file filled with great advice about setting up a landing page.

So if you can find people who are interested in internet marketing, online business, or anything along those lines then they would likely be very keen to get their hands on this ebook for free.

So all you need now is to know where to find them, which thanks to the internet is very easy to do.

One thing you could do is look up one of the many online marketing related forums online, reply to people's questions and give them the download link for your branded version of the free report.

Remember the report is completely free for them to access, has no hard selling in it and provides good quality information, so people are grateful to receive it.

You can do the same thing in internet marketing related Facebook groups, Twitter pages, Linkedin groups, the comment section of relevant blogs, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, Yahoo Answers

and anywhere else where you can find people who are interested in the topic of your free Ebook.

To give yourself a quick boost in downloads you can also use the social media sharing buttons beneath your viral download link to share your branded version of the free report on your own social media accounts.

If you have friends who are interested in the topic of the ebook they will appreciate the free information and they don’t have to buy anything,

it will just help spread the word about your download link and kickstart your earnings.

Once you have shared your branded version of the free report with as many people as you can, the next step is to go back to the Products page in your Paid Social Media Jobs members area choose another product to promote.

There is no limit the number of companies you can work with, and the more free reports you rebrand with your affiliate ID and share, the more money you will make.

The final and most fun step of all is to check your earnings.

Remember though that you probably won’t start to make money overnight because it takes time for the reports to be shared, gets noticed and downloaded by people.

Plus not everyone who downloads one of your branded free reports will read it right away, they might save the file to read later on.

If you are persistent though and continue to create and share new free reports regularly, your earnings will start to build up and you will be able to look forward to cashing in those big weekly checks, just like many of our current members do now.

When you are ready, Click the step 4 titled, ‘Check your earnings and get paid’.

There are two ways you can receive your commission:

(1) through PayPal or (2) a check by postal mail.

If you choose to receive a check you should contact the seller directly to know you wish to use that option.

If you are on instant commissions you will be paid immediately at the time of sale if the transaction is processed through PayPal. Only transactions made by PayPal can be instant. Transactions made through the sellers credit card merchant account will be processed manually by the seller no sooner then 60 days from the date of the sale.

If you choose to get paid through PayPal, then follow the steps below on how to link your PayPal account.


The first step is to login to your JVZoo Account, and then click on the "My Account" tab and then choose "Payment Profiles"

On the Payment Profiles page, you will see the button that says "Configure Now", click on that button.

You will then be taken to a page where you can link you PayPal Account. In this page you will see steps on how to link you PayPal Account to your JVZoo Account. You will first need to enter your Paypal email address on the box below and then click on the "Link PayPal" button.

The next step is to login to your PayPal account, click the "Grant Permission" button and then click the "JVZoo" link.

To watch a video tutorial on how to set up your PayPal in JVZoo, just CLICK HERE.

As an affiliate, your portion of the commissions will come directly from the seller's PayPal account. JVZoo uses PayPal Adaptive payments which enables a sender to send a single payment to a primary receiver. The primary receiver keeps part of the payment and pays secondary receivers the remainder.

And that’s it! Then you can sit back and look forward to seeing deposits like this coming into your account.

Click Here To Choose A Product To Promote